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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking
A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking: Compared to the Findings of CERN's Boson Experiment
Bhimarao Sathyanarayanan
'A Brief History of Time', the popular Science book written by Stephen Hawking has been one of the most appreciated books both by the common men and qualified Physics students. It claims to cover the topic of evolution of Universe from Big Bang to Black Holes. Especially it covers the much debated topics of Space and Time which are considered illusory phenomena by Philosophers and relative phenomena by Scientists. The theories put forward by Mr Hawking are critically analysed in this article, in order to get an experimental support. For this, an experiment at the magnitude of CERN (European Centre of Nuclear Research) on Higgs Boson is needed and so findings of the same are considered. This author powerfully compares the findings of the CERN experiment, popularly known as Hadron experiment with various theories put forward by Mr Hawking. In this book, In addition to the experimental findings, reference of other celebrated books like Fritjof Capra's 'The Tao of Physics', Ernst J.Opik's 'The Oscillating Universe' and Albert Einstein's 'Steady State Model' are also considered. It is hoped that the readers will appreciate the contents and also be benefited by the contents, having good information of the topics. Under discussion.
id=7173353 - Aug 01, 2012
The Most Notable Stephen Hawking Achievements
Craig Thornburrow
Stephen Hawking is a well known name in the scientific community. He has made some astounding observations and has turned the scientific world upside down on numerous occasions. Some of the notable Stephen Hawking achievements are ones that he has earned throughout his lifetime.
id=5303331 - Nov 01, 2010
Who Is Stephen Hawking?
Gene Lalor
It comes down to the question, Do we continue to take seriously even a deep thinker with an I.Q. said to be in the area of 160 when he begins to contradict himself and to publicize his unsubstantiated and bizarre reflections? Also, should we take seriously mathematical-scientific geniuses-such as Einstein or Hawking-when they make theological observations? One recent bizarre Hawking comment concerned aliens. He wasn't referring to Mexican illegals but to the extraterrestrial, ET, type.
id=5073109 - Sep 21, 2010
Stephen Hawking Biography Review
Ryan Dowd
The Stephen Hawking biography is slightly different than most in that this particular book has been written about the eminent physicist by another physicist. Stephen Hawking is seen as one of the greatest scientific minds of all time and he still manages to produce amazing theories despite suffering from a neuro muscular disease that has left him almost completely paralyzed.
id=5593636 - Dec 21, 2010
The Remarkable Life Of Stephen Hawking
Craig Thornburrow
Stephen Hawking has managed to accomplish far more than anyone could ever imagine. His condition that has progressed over the years and left him virtually completely paralyzed has not stopped him from producing record bestsellers. Most importantly, it has not slowed him down from leaving a mark in history in the educational fields.
id=6052393 - Mar 08, 2011
Stephen Hawking's Alien Statement - A Response to the Responses
Erik Stitt
Well a veritable bevy and torrid of all manner of views an angles came out of the proverbial woodwork pertaining to mine and other like responses concerning Stephen Hawking's view on Extraterrestrials including the similar viewpoint of Author and Experiencer, Whitley Strieber. I will probably never get through all of the e-mail. Let me just say that first off, I think this is a very good thing.
id=4186446 - Apr 27, 2010
A Response to Stephen Hawking's Alien Statement
Erik Stitt
The Shot Heard Around the World...
id=4179315 - Apr 26, 2010
Why is the Universe? Stephen Hawking Asks
William Allan
I must say that I was pleasantly surprised when I viewed a reporter interviewing Stephen Hawking a few days ago. Since Mr. Hawking is usually so focused on theoretical and mathematical proofs of some of the most enigmatic truths of black holes, time and other peculiarities of the physical universe, I was pleased to hear his answer, when asked what mystery he would like solved, what would it be?
id=4477420 - Jun 14, 2010
When Scientists Play the Role of God: A Brief Review of Stephen Hawking's New Research
Chris Kanyane
The resurrection of a dangerous philosophic idea that threatens the sacredness of human life. An explosion of new discoveries that is shaking the world!
id=5175161 - Oct 08, 2010
With The Utmost Of Respect Mr Stephen Hawking, Are You Attempting to "Prove" the Unprovable?
Aaron Kolom
Accepted among the giants of Physics and Science such as Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, Mr. Stephen Hawking, world-recognized British physicist and University of Cambridge professor, along with co-author Leonard Mlodinow, Professor of Physics at CalTech University, have just published a book, "The Grand Design", excerpting therefrom an article, "Why God Did Not Create the Universe." In the ideological debate on Darwin-Evolutionism versus Intelligent Design, these eminent physicists come down hard against a Creator, concluding that "universes may appear spontaneously from nothing.",-Are-You-Attempting-to-Prove-the-Unprovable?

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